Scalp Treatments

Smashing Pumpkins


Each fall, we all go nuts for everything pumpkin, indulging in flavored coffees, pastries, and cocktails, lighting candles, and spicing up our home decor with vibrant orange hues. Pumpkins seem to be synonymous with autumn, a perfect complement to the moments of cozy relaxation we crave as the weather cools down.

So, I think everyone can agree: pumpkins are awesome! Here at Moko, we love the big orange squash for more than just its delicious taste and aroma. Pumpkins are also highly beneficial to your skin, hair, and overall health, especially during the dry, cold winter months.

Pumpkins are chock-full of all kinds of healthy goodies – vitamins (A, C, and E), minerals (zinc, potassium), and antioxidants (leutin, xanthin, carotenes). They also work as an excellent natural exfoliant and humectant (meaning it moisturizes and helps other products absorb) that’s gentle enough not to irritate sensitive skin. This combination makes pumpkin a natural powerhouse for your complexion, with anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and acne control benefits.

Knowing all the amazing things that pumpkin can do, we had to find a way to feature it in our skincare services at Moko. And so we introduce The Smashing Pumpkin Mask, a soothing, restorative treat for stressed skin (and psyches) made from locally-sourced, organic, gluten-free ingredients. The 30-minute service includes a gentle cleanse before the warm mask is applied, along with a relaxing hand massage with warm jojoba oil while you soak up all the benefits that pumpkin has to offer.

So while you’re sipping those lattes and lighting candles, think about pumpkin for your skin this season as well. Give Moko a call to find out more about what pumpkin can do for you. 215-922-6656

* The Smashing Pumpkin Mask is available for a limited time only. A great gift for someone special.
